100 Oxford Street, Cambridge Park, NSW, 2747
We are proud to offer you our expert service across a variety of health areas. Our highly trained and caring pharmacists work with you and your doctor to help you and your family reach the best possible health outcomes. Simply click on a service below to find out more information.
Experts agree that recording your baby's growth can help you and your doctor maintain their health, especially in those critical early months. Our baby weighing service helps you chart their progress with weight, head circumference and length included. Come in today and let us help you with the health of your little one.
Baby Weighing
Medicines can be confusing. Our pharmacists are experts in medicines advice, especially when it is a new medicine. We can help get you started with your medicines and even if you've been on them for a while - we'll provide you with printed medicines information - best of all it's FREE!
Consumer Medicines Information
If you're having trouble with your blood sugar - come in today and talk to us. Our pharmacists are experts in diabetes care. We will help you understand the reason for your medicines, how they benefit you and how you can take control of your diabetes. It's all about better blood sugar and better long term benefits for you.
Diabetes Assistance
Can't get to us? No problems, we will come to you! If you would like your medicines delivered please just call the pharmacy on 02 4721 3693. *Home Delivery only available Mondays - Fridays to the local area.
Home Deliveries
Sit down one on one with a pharmacist to review your medicines. We can help you understand your medicines better and address any problem areas. Getting the best possible benefit from your medicines may mean better future health. We can do this in the comfort of your own home. Call us today to book your free appointment.
Home Medicines Reviews
Do you suffer from Asthma? Want to breathe with ease? Talk to us about your Asthma medicines. Our pharmacists are experts in how to use Asthma inhalers and other asthma medicines. Often, the slightest improvement in your technique can make big differences in your Asthma control!
Inhaler Technique Assistance
Click here to view product catalogue
Our store can order in from a wide range of medical equipment aimed at mobility and home help, depending on your needs. Crutches (in different styles and different heights) and walkers are some of the products we have access to ordering. Click below the view the range we can order. We stock walking sticks in store.
Medical Equipment
Our pharmacists are on hand to assist you with your quit smoking attempt. To effectively manage the cravings, we’ll help you choose the products that are right for you. As well as providing expert advice and support, we’ll help create a personalised quit smoking plan you can stick to.
Quit Smoking Support
Running out of time? Why don’t you try our no wait prescription service? Leave your prescription with us and we will file it accurately and safely. And when you are due to have your prescription filled simply call us and we will prepare it for you before you come into the pharmacy. We will also keep a comprehensive record of all your medications dispensed by our pharmacy, allowing for complete reporting for PBS Safety Net totals and end of financial year tax records to be generated without any hassles.
Script on file Reordering Service
COVID-19 Astra Zeneca & Moderna, Influenza, Whooping Cough & Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) vaccines can be administered by our specially trained pharmacists without a prescription. Click here to book now or ask our staff for further details.
Do you need help organising your medicines? Often when you're on a few medicines it can be confusing and difficult to take them at the right time every day. A 'Websterpak' is a convenient way of taking medicines. Each week you'll get a pack of your medicines organised by day and time of day. Gone are the days of keeping five boxes of different medicines and being stressed whether you took your morning dose or not. A weekly medicines pack solves that. Ask today!
Weekly Medicines Packs (Websterpaks)
Do you have a first aid kit at home and in the car? Do you have a wound which is taking a long time to heal? Are you concerned by a wound you or a family member has? Do you have a wound which requires special dressing? Are you unsure about how to properly manage a burn? Are you about to travel, or do you frequently travel? There are many ways to help manage a wound. Our team are able to determine the correct wound care products for you. We can also determine whether your wound requires some specialist management techniques.
Wound Management